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PG Tips 40 Pyramid Tea Bags (12 Pack)

Brand: PG Tips

Pack size: 12 x 40's
RRP: £2.89
Price Marked: No
VAT: 0%


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Product Details

At PG tips, we have been making a quality tasting cuppa for 85 years. When it comes to tea, we know our stuff and that’s why PG tips is Britain’s No.1 tea brand (according to Nielsen Data Black Tea Total Volume Sales MAT Dec 2019). Our Pyramid tea bags let our tea roam free. They act as a mini teapot allowing our finest tea leaves room to move and infuse to give you a great tasting cuppa, time after time. It's pyramid perfection. PG tips are proud to say that we were the first tea in the UK to carry the Rainforest Alliance seal which means that we’re working to look after the environment and support our cherished tea farmers. Our tea is farmed by workers earning a decent wage, with access to good quality housing, medical care and education for their children. Plus, our biodegradable tea bags are plant-based and completely recyclable. The best way to enjoy our tasty tea: pop your pyramid biodegradable tea bags into hot water and let it brew to your favourite strength. Add in a spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk if preferred. Mmm… but wait, there’s more… We have lots of other tasty brews for you to try. Want to cut the caffeine? Try our new Tasty Decaf tea blend which has a rich, rounded taste. Like vegan drinks? Try our Perfect with Dairy-Free teabags which are specially blended for dairy alternatives. Like a strong tea? Make our Extra Strong tea bags your new everyday tea. Or indulge in something extra special with our delicious Gold blend - which is no ordinary tea! If you love PG tips tea bags and loose tea and think it's the best black tea, don't keep it a secret! Write a review and share your favourite cuppa with the world.





Black tea¹¹Rainforest Alliance Certified Free from Irradiation, Meat and Alcohol.Suitable for Ovo Lacto Vegetarian and Vegan


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