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Listerine Cool Mint 250ml (6 Pack)

Pack size: 6 x 250ml
RRP: £2.75
Price Marked: No
VAT: 20%


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Product Details

LISTERINE® Cool Mint Mouthwash for a cleaner fresher mouth than brushing alone. The formula removes up to 97% of bad breath and plaque causing germs left after brushing. Just 30 seconds of rinsing, twice a day. Used twice a day LISTERINE® Cool Mint Mouthwash is proven to: 1. Kill germs Kills up to 97% of plaque causing and bad breath germs left behind after brushing 2. Reduce plaque Reduces plaque by up to 56% more than brushing alone 3. Maintain healthy gums Helps kill plaque causing germs above and below the gum line to keep gums healthy 4. Freshen Breath Provides lasting fresh breath confidence





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