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Imodium Capsules Pack of 6 Tablets (6 Pack)

Brand: Imodium

RRP: £3.49
Price Marked: No
VAT: 20%


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Product Details

Help relieve your diarrhoea with IMODIUM® Original. These capsules can provide fast diarrhoea relief in one dose, in under one hour. Imodium helps slow down your bowel movements and return them to their normal rhythm. This medication should be taken by over 12 year olds only. Directions for use: Take 2 capsules initially, then 1 after each loose motion. Only take up to a maximum of 6 capsules per day. Loperamide 2mg. - IMODIUM® Originals can provide fast diarrhoea relief in under 1 hour, this helps to restore the absorption of fluids into your body. - Trusted formula which has proven to provide diarrhoea relief for over 40 years - Imodium works by gently slowing your digestion down and returning it to its normal rhythm. - Its often better to treat diarrhoea when it first strikes. By treating diarrhoea you can feel better and get on with your day. A consumer survey found 84% of us feel weak and tired when suffering from diarrhoea.* Why leave it untreated when you can relieve diarrhoea, and help reduce the loss of fluids and salts. - Contains Loperamide *Imodium Claims Test, February 2011





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